Statement on The Modern Slavery Act 2015

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is published on behalf of DK Group Investments Ltd and its subsidiaries stated thereafter. Both DK Group Investments Ltd and its subsidiaries will be collectively referred to as “DK Group” for the purpose of this statement.

DK Group business, structure and supply chains

DK Group has its roots in the packing and logistics activities, in the Automotive sector. In recent years, DK Group diversified its portfolio to other sectors whilst maintaining a strong connection to its roots and developing some of its businesses into 3PL providing a wide range of services to customers globally.

DK Group has some trading subsidiaries which are: DK Packing & Casemaking Limited, Mercury Material Management Limited, Hunters 4 Staff Limited, Lemonpath Limited, Centurion Industrial Packaging Limited, GE Door Manufacturing Limited, Lufapak GmbH and Bugiad GmbH. The first six are based in the UK, whilst the last two are based in Germany. DK Group is head quartered in Rugby, in the UK.

DK Group employs circa 400 people on a permanent basis and an additional circa 350 people on a temporary basis, depending on the annual activity in contract packing.

Each subsidiary has its own supply chain. Across DK Group, we source products and services globally, as well as using third parties’ services such as haulage, cleaning, auditing, and others.

Risk assessment of modern slavery and current measures in place

Various factors such as, but not limited to, employment of low skilled workforce, countries at higher risk or complex and non-transparent supply chain are considered when assessing the risk of modern slavery within the DK Group. A range of measures are taken to ensure the check of those factors such as:

  • Ensuring that the decision makers in our supply chain are fully aware of DK Group policy and “zero tolerance” approach to modern slavery as well as its commitment to work ethically.
  • When developing a new business relationship with a supply chain partner, checks are carried out to ensure their commitment to support the eradication of modern slavery is aligned with our own.
  • Continuously evaluating the presence of such commitment through dedicated questions in our auditing process.

Each subsidiary has a range of measures appropriate to their own level of risk. Considering those factors as well as the measures currently in place to check them, the risk within DK Group is considered low.

Modern slavery policy

In support of this statement, DK Group has developed a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking policy which can be found on our website under the Corporate Social Responsibility section. Where appropriate, each subsidiary, has also a visible reference on their own website of this statement.

DK Group understands the need to continuously improve the actions it takes, alongside its subsidiaries, to continue to limit the risk of modern slavery. In that spirit, DK Group and its subsidiaries have a commitment to ensure any possible action identified to minimise the risk of modern slavery is taken within the appropriate scope and timeframe. We expect every part of the DK Group and senior management team within the DK Group to abide by and ensure compliance with our ethical commitment and policies on modern slavery.

This statement is made on behalf of DK Group Investments Limited, its subsidiaries and any companies that are part of the DK Group from time to time.

This statement is made for the financial year ending 31 July 2021 and was approved by the Board of Directors on 01 June 2021.

Signed on behalf of the Board

Lucie Lopes-Grilli

Group Chief Executive Officer